'Are we going to go to the zoo tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? " My 4 year olds kept asking this since the day we decided to have a field trip to the zoo, so since about 6 weeks! And finally: tomorrow! Teaching animals often is one of the first priorities of teachers, but unfortunately it often ends with cat, dog, lion and tiger.
Using Genki English we have a huge amount of animals, including snails, giraffes, rhinos...(which are all rather difficult to remember for Japanese). And it goes with 'I like...' and 'Do you like...' So, usually, the kids remember about half of the animal names included in the song. However, this time~~~they were so motivated because they were going to go to the zoo, that they remembered them all~and MORE. We added Super Simple songs, and got to a pretty deep understanding. So, tomorrow, 16 kindergarteners, their siblings and their moms and we, will have fun and probably you will hear more about it all, in a couple of days. Do you go on field trips? We have been to Antarctica (^_-)-☆
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around the worldUsually it is always the older kids doing global worldwide projects. This time I included only 4-6 year olds. And they loved it. Of course most of them have no idea of Easter yet, nor do they really know what 'global' could mean. But the fact that they think we will go to France today, or our friends from Russia will join our class tomorrow, makes it all the more inspiring. The complete collection loos a bit like an exhibition, and in someway it is. Dear Moms and Dads, I hope you come in and have a look. ここをクリックすると、編集できます。 Kamilla, thanks for inviting me, and Oxana, Mila, Dacha, Jon and Mari, thank you so much for joining.
...yesterday started with myself in front of my daughter's desk. Her textbooks from school, piled taller than myself, waiting to be thrown away. All her notebooks ...loads of work lots of climbs...and, this, my 3rd child finishing Junior High. It left me close to tears, but then a dear friend suggested: "No tears now, instead tell me 10 things you are grateful for." Guess what? I made it to the first announcement and then I had to stop because I was in tears. No time to cry them all out~~~ Work started. Wonderful work, the morning~parents meetings. Great talks, very constructive ideas. And then classes. And ... One present after the other. ↓ I think, so many giraffes today, definitely leave me with a message. Look ahead! Not back. Look up! Not down! As coincidence likes, it would have been my dads 97th birthday. Thank you all for joining my celebration. Today, the present shower went on: "Thank you" is the soothing phrase without any doubts.
Margit Yokota Categories
12月 2023