B.C. and A.C. is getting a new meaning~obviously.Though we don't know wether we have reached the A.C. era already, what are the changes so far? Total change of live styleUnrelated to COVID19, my sons moved out beginning of April, and as my Japanese husband is living in Germany right now, I am alone with my daughter. Washing, cleaning and cooking for 2 instead of 4 or 5 adults is a tremendous change. ![]() My school transferred to remote classes, and I have been talking about the ups and downs of this in other threads. Requests from teachers for ideas and inspiration, in the beginning of the transition came in bulks, but then almost disappeared ...My guess is, that everyone has been really so busy with this new way of teaching, while at the same time, I have just been so busy that my posts became irregular as well. And there have been lots of teachers around the globe who have started to share, while I was silent. New and a bit crazyThis week school started, and I chose a very new and little crazy live style: First, I canceled my daughter's school bus. I would have had to pay 1800 Dollar for the year, no matter how often school will have to close down. On top of that it is pretty impossible to seat students apart enough, or to make sure the air circulates. So, instead I decided to drive her to school, and pick her up. One way is 25 km, so every day I am driving 100 km now. As I had only one occasion where I commuted to work by car (2 km), this is really rare and special for me. And, yes, a bit crazy. BTW, 25 km in Japan means 35-40 minutes drive, because we are only allowed to drive 50km/h, and the roads are quite narrow. In Germany it would be 15, 20 minutes... Now, probably many of you know, if I decide to do something, I will do all I can to enjoy what I am doing. If I feel bad about the things I am doing or have to complain about them, I quit doing them. Period! No matter wether it is leisure or work. Make it joyfulSo, what is my JOY of driving 100 km per day? Close to my daughter's school is a beautiful mountain with an amazing beauty of a temple on top. I went up the 808 stairs twice last month, and figured how relaxing and healing it is. No people, lots of green and the only sound are birds tweeting. It gave me such a muscle pain that I hardly was able to walk my own stairs at home, but it felt good. So, I have decided to take the climb every day (except for days with rain, as that would be a bit dangerous). I am not doing this to get enlightened (I believe it takes more than walking to a temple once a day) not for diet (I think I don't need to lose any weight) not for health (I don't like 'healthy live movements") My live recipe Do it for joy. Because it is fun. And you know what: I think this is my life recipe. Does this mean, that I am leading an egoistic selfish life? It is up to you to judge but I do not think so: I am not ignoring society and its needs. For example I was one of the first to close down my school end of February and move on line. I was also very serious about wearing my mask, disinfecting my hands, keeping away from people, including friends and at times even family and just staying at home. 2 teachings that have shaped me: |
Margit Yokota Categories
12月 2023