another great picture book for our next piece. I am going to put up the detailed report on this tomorrow. Today an addition we integrated into the whole show. The 'Crayon kids' went to 'Crayon School'. The had all kinds of subjects. And so much fun learning: MUSIC~ with Boomwhackers, playing 'I can sing a rainbow' SCIENCE Making water walk. An experiment, which creates a beautiful rainbow. MATH Baby Monkey went out to play golf. Everyone was eager to figure out what number hole he hit. And they practiced addition and multiplication while doing so. And of course ENGLISH: A Phonics gesture reading game Then it is time for ART class. And, do you know what could happen here? How does White Crayon feel, who had hardly been used at all ? What about red or blue, working hard all year?
Put down some of your guesses in the comments~~~.
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book by Eric Litwin was dancing on the street in his brand new white boots. He loved them so much, he sang his song. And while he was singing, another black cat passed by and asked him: I love your shoes, may I borrow your shoes? And -you all know Pete, the cat, he is kind and nice- he gave his shoes away, but : Oh, no!!! He stepped in a large field of...lemons. What color did it turn his shoes? Yellow!
But Pete doesn't cry. Goodness no! He keeps walking along, singing and dancing, whatever comes in his way. 前向きな猫のピート。おすすめの絵本です。 one topic in our teacher training workshop last week was 'non verbal expressions and communication'. And, with all the exercises I had chosen I was just hoping, my kids would 'show' and 'live' how important this topic is in their presentations the next day, They obviously, didn't disappoint me. So, I took it a step further: We did an improvisation on the spot, first of all inspired by the teachers who were joining the workshop. We were pleased and thrilled to see my smallest students come up stage, say a sentence they had neither practiced nor thought of before coming here, and act it out. And of course, with a 5 year old showing this much courage, the moms couldn't just sit and watch, so we had a stage setting with kids, moms and teachers. Would you like to see more about our teacher training, or about our show? Keep tuned.
Mom and Dad went shopping. Little Blue went to look for Little Yellow. Little Yellow went to look for Little Blue. "Hey" they found each other. And they hugged...and... ...they turned green. They went to the park to play, and all their friends hugged And look! They all turned into a beautiful rainbow. will be continued!
Margit Yokota Categories
12月 2023