Nothing better than a few super simple recipes for a super special anniversary menu, right? Same with teaching, so here my top 10 tips for teaching kids: 1. Find at least one good thing about every kid you teach, if possible,
in each class. In times of crises this will help you give advice, too. 2. Teach and talk on eye level with kids. Teach to the eye. We teach conversation, so we should all be on one eye level including ourselves. 3. Maximize group work and pair work. Kids learn from each other, not from a teacher. We are conductors. In groups, kids learn to THINK and being creative! 4. Find a few favorite activities/games and improvise them, adapt them to different levels and ages, and become an expert for these. Kids do not need and do not want something new every week. You don't need long lists of games. Too many of them only will take your time as you end up having to read through the explanation every week again. And it keeps you from becoming an expert. 5. When speaking in the target language, shelter it so the kids can understand, and add only a few new vocabulary items. Well, if you are using Genki English, this is naturally happening. 6. Explain games and activities by doing. Nothin worse than listening to long explanations and then having to listen to it again, because it was all too complicated. I even prefer explaining games and activities in L1, because this will give the students much more time for the actual activity. 7. Have few, clear, easy to understand rules right from the beginning. Be kind and loving , still firm. 8. Set up one event per term the kids will love and look forward to. It will be their treat to keep working hard during the other months. 9. Build up a relation with the parents and hold regular meetings. Communicate regularly about activities, improvements, and especially about the shiny moments of their kids. 10. Write down every day, very soon after your classes, what was great about your class and what didn't work well. If you made a mistake (every one makes them) write it down and also HOW you make it up next week. For example: If you have had a kid you were unfairly strict on that day, make a note to remind you to be very caring in the next week and what to praise him about. Hope this helps a bit, and ~~~it would be great if you could let me know in the comments, which activities you are, or want to be, expert in!!! Well, if you want to hear about my expertise.
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Stars in the dark sky behind a curtain of rain Night cherry blossoms. Photos: Dan Yokota #Blume Popo
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12月 2023